GUI Innovations for Innovative Solutions

.Net Visual Basic Sample Code

Private Sub cmdCreate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdCreate.Click
  If InStr(LCase(txtDbName.Text),".sdf") = 0 Then
    txtDbName.Text = txtDbName.Text & ".sdf"
  End If
If Len(Trim(txtDbName.Text)) = 0 Then
    MsgBox ("Please enter a Database Name ", vbInformation, "Db Name")
    Exit Sub
  End If

  if file_exists(txtdbname.Text) Then
    Msgbox (txtdbname.text & " already exists!", vbInformation, "Db Name")
    Exit Sub
  End If

  'Create the new database.
Dim engine As New SqlCeEngine("Data Source = " & txtdbname.Text)
  'Create a connection to the new database.
Dim ssceconn As New SqlCeConnection("Data Source = " & txtdbname.Text)
  'Open the connection, execute the queries, close the connection.
  Dim strSql as String

  'Create the createTable command on the connection.

  Dim createTable As SqlCeCommand = ssceconn.CreateCommand()
  Dim createIndex As SqlCeCommand = ssceconn.CreateCommand()
  Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor
  txtProgress.text = txtprogress.text & "Creating image_tables" & vbcrlf

  'Create Table image_tables
strSql = "Create Table " & chr(34) & "image_tables" & chr(34) & "("
  strSql = strSql & chr(34) & "image_table" & chr(34) & " nvarchar(16) NOT  NULL , "
   strSql = strSql & chr(34) & "sql_table" & chr(34) & " nvarchar(16) NOT NULL )"
  createTable.CommandText = strSql
  Catch ex As SqlCeException
    DisplaySQLCEErrors (ex)

  End Try


  txtProgress.text = txtprogress.text & "Creating Suppliers" & vbcrlf